- Growing Strong Roots - Spiritual Wellness Day With the beginning of the Celtic New Year .... I am offering a FULL DAY WORKSHOP to connect, discover & nurture a deeper, more Loving relationship with your own 'BeYOUtoFull' Self. SUNDAY 10th NOVEMBER 9.30 am - 5 pm SHINE SPIRITUAL WELLNESS CENTRE, Glengarriff, West Cork €66 (bring your own vegetarian light lunch, Herbal Teas included) A few years ago, I heard the phrase 'Bloom Where You're Planted' and in an epiphany moment, I instantly understood how I could thread together all the seemingly disjointed aspects of my personality, interests, talents and abilities, in order to fulfil my Soul's purpose. By simply accepting myself, Loving myself, nurturing myself, sharing myself and BEING myself fully ..... I would blossom ...... and in turn inspire and serve others, to shine brightly too. From my perspective we are all beautiful flowers, and given favourable conditions and nurturing care we each have the potential to blossom into the fullness of our unique Soul's essence. In my own Spiritual unfurling, I have learned many powerful self-care techniques and practices which I have used now for many years to nurture, support and enhance my growth throughout the many seasons of Life ..... which I would Love to share with you. Using simple yet powerful ..... Meditation Techniques ..... Energy Work Practices .... EFT Practices .... Movement Flows ..... Breath-work ..... Dance .... & Chanting .... .... we will learn how to connect, align, centre, expand and go deeper within our Heart ....... to plant, nurture & harvest whatever qualities we wish to embody & subsequently reflect in our everyday lives. By moving towards our own Divine Source within, any trauma, wounds & contracted energies which arise are healed effortlessly, and we are free to BE the vibrant joy & peace of our own true nature and Live Life fully as the freedom of our inner Self. In this First Day Workshop (part of a Series which I am planning to offer throughout the year), we will focus on 'Muladhara' the Energy Centre located at the base of the spine in the human energy system. Muladhara is a Sanskrit name which means 'root support'. As we all know, for a flower to blossom to its full potential it needs strong healthy roots .... so this will be a day to nurture our own root support, allowing our Souls' to anchor more fully in our bodies, as we connect more deeply with Mother Earth and our Source within. SANNA ISBISTER is a ..... Meditation Facilitator, Magdalena Energy Practitioner, Spiritual Artist & Magic Hat Maker who is based at Shine Spiritual Wellness Centre, Glengarriff, West Cork. Sanna has been on a conscious inner journey of self-awakening for 18 years and for most of these years, has studied with a Spiritual Master & Global Humanitarian, devoted to the evolution and enlightenment of Human Consciousness. Limited Spaces so Booking Essential Participants in this first workshop will also be gifted a DISCOUNT of 50% on a MAGDALENA ENERGY SESSION normally priced at €88, which can be claimed after completing the workshop. :))) BIG NEWS!!!
After a Summer of drifting & dreaming, musing & manifesting .... this has happened! A new home for Sanna and the Fur Babies, and a gorgeous new space on the shores of Bantry Bay, Glengarriff, from which to offer my Magdalena Energy Sessions, Spirtual Therapies and Meditation Workshops :))) I will also be offering a range of Individual and Small Group Retreat Days and Weekends, where you can come and hang out with me in this fabulous space, partaking in the Spirtual Therapies I offer and have an opportunity to marinate within the stunning natural landscapes of Ireland's Garden of Eden. More information coming sooooon .... |
'She's Away with the Faeries' ...
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