'Soul Contract Relationship Overlay Readings' offer deeper layers of understanding to your Life experience, showing you how ...
Common Use Names, Marriage Names, Name Changes & Significant Relationships
....have all impacted the archetypes you carry in your 'Soul Contract Chart', in both positive & possibly challenging ways, and show you how you have evolved to where you are today and where you could be potentially heading.
Within each 'Soul Contract Overlay Reading' we will look at a maximum of 6 names (including your own Soul Contract Birth Chart), which will give you very detailed insights into your own archetypes and the energetic dynamics within your significant relationships.
What you Receive;
Opening Meditation with Magdalena Activation & Hebrew Fire Letter Invocation Detailed Six Name Overlay Reading Soul Contract Overlay Chart MP4 Video Recording of Reading
All Readings Offered Via Zoom
(only available to those who have already had a Foundation Birth Chart Reading)