'' To Unlock Vibrant Health on Every Level of Your Being ''
'Divine Healing' .... is a channeled method of Spiritual Healing which has been gifted to Humanity from the
Ascended Masters, Angelic/Archangelic Realms & the Star Beings
It is based on the Spiritual Law ....
'Ask & You Shall Receive'
~ A Gifted 'Divine Healing' Taster Session ~
This system enables the quick & effective identification and clearing of core wounds and patterns and thereby frees up your Life-force energy to promote better health, connection to the flow of Life, and enhanced well-being on every level of experience.
'Divine Healing' has an infinite range of applications & each Session is tailored specifically to your needs & particular situation in the moment. I work with a 'Healing Team' of Light Beings, Angels, Ascended Masters & Psychic Surgeons in the Higher Dimensions, who assist me to uncover any contracted wounds & energetic blocks within your physical body & the subtle layers of your energy field, which may be creating various Life struggles, anxiety/stress, physical issues, emotional distress or dis -ease in any way, shape or form.
Using a wide range of very detailed charts, I am quickly guided to the root cause of your issue/s & with the use of 'Command Codes' my Healing Team will subsequently transmute & clear any contracted patterning using High Frequency Energetic Transmissions, which rebalance your system, reprogram your subconscious mind & align you with your highest intentions.
Even after one Session you will experience very beneficial results, which then increase exponentially with each subsequent Session received. As the layers of your personal trauma, wounds & negative beliefs are transmuted & cleared, you will have access to experience Life in a much more expanded, vibrant & Heart-centred way.
Possible 'Divine Healing' Applications;
~ Access Your Soul Records & Soul Programs ~ ~ Clear Negative Inherited Ancestral Patterning & Genetically Encoded Imprints ~ ~ Heal Unresolved Past-Life Issues ~ ~ Transmute Hidden Ego-Agendas, Sabotages & Conflicts ~ ~ Balances Energy Flows in the Subtle Bodies, Chakras & Meridians ~ ~ Clears Fear/Anxiety/Stress Programs ~ ~ Clears Interference Energies Including Entities from your Energy Field ~ ~ Transmutes Emotional Wounds & Imbalances ~ ~ Harmonise Energy in Organs & Glands ~ ~ Reprograms Judgements & Negative Beliefs in the Subconscious Mind ~ ~ Transmutes & Heals Shock & Trauma from past Abuse, Accidents & Medical Procedures ~ ~ Assists with Dental Issues ~ ~ Undoing of Addiction Programming ~ ~ Heal Birth Trauma ~ ~ Vertebral Clearing & Balancing including Cranial, TMJ & Hyoid Alignment ~ ~ Ayurvedic Dosha Balancing ~ ~ Address Weight, Food & Hunger Issues ~ ~ Assists with Letting Go of Attachments ~ ~ Enhancement of Brain Functions & Integration ~ ~ Balancing of Bodies Nutrition & Biochemistry ~ ~ Clears Aging & Disease Programming & Promotes Youth, Vibrant Health & Vitality ~
As a 'Divine Healing Master Key Practitioner' I use a combination of ...
... to quickly and accurately access the appropriate information from your Higher Self, and then to clear & balance contracted energy within your Physical Body & Subtle Bodies to enhance profound shifts in Consciousness and instantaneous transformations on all levels of Being.
All Sessions are offered via Zoom
Artwork Dawn of Shekhinah
Testimonials: "When I finally went to Senaa for help, I was in complete bits. I felt like my life had fallen apart, everything felt out of control, and I was so terrified I could no longer think. I was a sceptic about these kind of sessions, but believed Senaa when she said it doesn't really matter whether I believed it or not. I subsequently, had the most extraordinary Divine Healing Sessions, which are hard to describe, but so much more happened than expected and worked on a very deep level, with compassion & kindness. Yes, there were times that I cried, but it was more from relief, understanding a part of me that I never realised before. From each Session I learned much more about myself, and Senaa & her Guides unravelled the tangled ball of wool that was me, and helped heal negative thoughts & beliefs which were clouding my judgement ..... leaving me feeling sometimes exhausted afterwards but also exhilarated. I found after each Session I couldn't really remember all the details about what had happened, but I was left with the feeling A LOT had happened and it was all good. Since finishing the Sessions I have felt completely different! I am far more able to cope with difficult situations, I am able to trust my gut more, and will stop, think and breathe instead of rushing into my old pattern of immediately trying to fix things for everybody else. I highly recommend Divine Healing Sessions with Senaa!'' ~ Anon, Cork, Ireland ~
"The next day (after my first Divine Healing Session) .... WOW! I felt clear & recharged, and I've noticed this 'comfortable-ness' with myself when I'm in a room full of people. I'm able to engage without worry ... it feels effortless now where before I would think before I engaged, & it would make me feel nervous, if that makes sense?. I just feel I can be myself & not be worried about what anyone thinks. Just a very subtle, yet noticeable shift : ) I'll be back for more : )" ~ Anon, Eastern USA ~
"I had such a beautiful healing session with Senaa. The potency that I got from the 'Divine Healing' was and still is so powerful and present . I feel a lot has shifted for me and everything that came up was so accurate and mind opening and all pieced together like a jigsaw puzzle.. It’s brought me so much insight into so many areas of my life I had been struggling with, and I feel lots of shifts happening already. Highly recommended to anyone looking for peace of mind, clarity or just to be more present and to enjoy all life has to offer with a more positive outlook." ~ Anon, Cork, Ireland️ ~
''I have had the pleasure of receiving a human design/soul contract reading with Senaa and also two Divine Healing Master Key sessions. I have found all the information shared with me so fascinating and helpful. Senaa is so generous with her knowledge and personal stories she shares to help illustrate points made. I felt at ease and comfortable straight away in her energy which helped me relax and open up to all that was shared and discussed. The Divine Healing Master Key sessions in particular blew me away, I was new to this modality but instantly felt a connection to the issues and areas of healing that came through. My soul felt lighter, my outlook more positive and a deep sense of calm, after a particularly wobbly couple of weeks beforehand. I had been trying to get pregnant for nearly a year and after my first session (not that’s what I went for) I conceived the same week! Certain physical issues I had been dealing with have greatly improved too. If you are curious about multidimensional healing and want someone you can trust and be yourself with, then Senaa (and her guides) is the right person for you. I am booking my own mum in for a session as I know it will benefit her too. Thank you Senaa xx'' ~ Anon, England, United Kingdom ~