Everybody is inherently Intuitive ..... however in the old patriarchal paradigm, where our left-brain masculine function of 'Logic' has often taken precedence over our right-brain feminine 'Intuition' ..... our natural intuitive insights & capabilities have largely been either ignored, under-valued, suppressed or even shut down entirely.
Due to this societal conditioning, we may have had a tendency to not trust our Intuition, or have not known how to receive or access our own inner guidance from our Soul and Higher Self.
'Inner-Tuition Readings' ... will offer you an in-depth view into your personal 'Human Design' & 'Soul Contract' Charts to show you how you are uniquely designed & predisposed to access and receive your Intuitive Guidance.
For Example, you may be naturally designed to be;
Clairvoyant (inner sight), Clairsentient (you empathically feel energy), Clairaudient (you hear messages from your Higher Self/Spirit Guides), Claircognizant (you just know things without any logical explanation), Clairolifactant (you receive your guidance through a highly developed inner sense of smell)
.... you may;
be a Mind-Reader be a Medical Intuitive have Prophetic Dreams be a Natural Channel (with the capacity to bring through high frequency energy & information from other dimensions) be deeply connected to the 'Angelic', 'Elemental' or 'Faerie' Realms
By combining your 'Human Design' & 'Soul Contract' Charts .... I can show you how YOU are uniquely designed to be Intuitive .... and offer you Spiritual Practices and Techniques to develop these abilities, so that you can build a deeper Trust with your own Intuitive Skills and build a stronger channel with your Soul & Higher Self to receive your Inner-Tuition.
As a Magdalena Energy Practitioner, I will also bring through the Magdalena Energies in these 'Inner-Tuition Readings' to activate & align you with your inherent intuitive potential.