'Bloom Where You're Planted Online Day Retreats' ......
Are day-long intensive Spiritual workshops, which I've designed to Clear, Awaken, Open & Align the 'Chakra Energy System' in our body's energy field. During each Day Workshop, we will focus on a specific Chakra, to dive deep within this particular energy vortex to discover yourSelf in a more profound way. Through a variety of powerful Spiritual Technologies, you will align with your True Essence and easily & gracefully clear, heal & transmute any unresolved issues which may be holding you back from becoming the full expression of your own BeYouToFul Soul. ''A few years ago, I heard the phrase ... 'Bloom Where You're Planted' ... and in an epiphany moment, I instantly understood how I could thread together all the seemingly disjointed aspects of my personality, interests, talents and abilities, in order to fulfil my Soul's purpose. By simply accepting myself, Loving myself, nurturing myself, sharing myself and BEING myself fully ..... I would blossom ...... and in turn inspire and serve others, to shine brightly too.'' From my perspective we are all beautiful flowers, and given favourable conditions and nurturing care we each have the potential to blossom into the fullness of our unique Soul's gifts of Service in this incarnation. In my own Spiritual unfurling, I have learned many powerful self-care techniques and practices which I have used now for many years to nurture, support and enhance my growth throughout the many seasons of Life ..... which I would Love to share with you. Using powerful ..... Cutting Edge Spiritual Technologies .... Meditation Techniques ..... Energy Transmissions .... Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Group Sessions .... Movement Flows ..... Pranayama Breath-Work ..... Mantras .... Dance .... & Chanting .... .... we will learn how to CONNECT, ALIGN, CENTRE, EXPAND and go deeper within our Being ....... to plant, nurture & harvest whatever qualities we wish to embody & subsequently reflect in our everyday lives. By moving towards our own Divine Source within, any trauma, wounds & contracted energies which arise are healed effortlessly, and we are free to BE the vibrant joy & peace of our own true nature and Live Life fully as the freedom of our inner Self. Participants in this Online Retreat will also be gifted a DISCOUNT of 16% on all PERSONAL READINGS & ENERGY WORK SESSIONS ..... which can be claimed after the completion of these online retreats. Bloom Where You're Planted Retreat Series SOUL CONTRACT BUSINESS OPTIMISATION
I’m excited to share another one of my NEW SERVICES with you, which may be of interest to any Entrepreneurs & especially those of you who run your own ‘Spiritually Focussed Business’ (eg. Yoga Teachers, Complimentary Therapists, Energy Healers, Life Coaches, Psychic Readers, Body Therapists, Spiritual Coaches etc etc) . The expression of your Business in the outer World is a natural extension of you inner Soul Archetype Energies. By undergoing a ‘Soul Contract Business Optimisation’, you can ensure that the energies you express in your Business will be in natural alignment with your Personal Soul Mission in this incarnation to bring you OPTIMAL SUCCESS! Here are the ‘Soul Contract Archetypes’ in my New Business Name ... ☀️Dawn of Shekhinah ☀️ ... as an example 13-4 ~ Divine Feminine Love ~ Attractive & Magnetic ~ Wisdom, Leadership ~ Trust & Abundance ~ New Opportunities 22-4 ~ Service Orientated ~ In Alignment with Source ~ Extremely Versatile ~ Humanitarian ~ High Standards ~ Success & Achievement 11-2 ~ Creating New Structures & Systems ~ High Integrity ~ Assimilation of New Ideas ~ Intelligent & Objective ~ Resilient & Adaptable I can Optimise your ‘Legal Business Name’, ‘Trading Name’, ‘Website Address’, ‘Email Address’, ‘Tag Line’ & ‘Products & Services’ ... all with the Soul Contract system to ensure that all these different aspects are working together in an aligned & harmonious way. Testimonial: “Working with Senaa on my Business Optimisation was a grounded & magical experience. She came to our Session well prepared with a solid understanding of my vision for my business. I left our time together well prepared with my next steps in bringing this goal to fruition, with energetically aligned messaging. It is always a pleasure & a gift to work with Senaa. Her vibrant heart shines through all that she does” Veronica, USA . Just a few day's left for you to register in my new Live Online Course 'ACADEMY OF DREAM ALCHEMY' Become a Conscious Creator & Craft the Life-of-your-Dreams Sunday 13th March ~ Sunday 28th August 3pm - 5pm Ireland & UK 4pm - 6pm Central European 10am - 12 noon Eastern 9am - 11am Central 8am - 10am Mountain 7am - 9am Pacific 'The Human Design System' & 'The Soul Contract System' are two amazing Spiritual Technologies which I will be incorprating into this course. If you are new to 'Human Design' &/or 'Soul Contract' then you will receive some basic information about these systems & your specific charts, to help you to awaken to your own unique expression & how to start using this information through the lens of Conscious Creation. You will also receive a 16% discount if you choose to have personal Reading/s in the duration of this Course. If you have already received either a 'Human Design Reading' &/or a 'Soul Contract Reading' from me, you will now be able to dive deeper into the practical application of this knowledge for it to become a more embodied wisdom, assisting you to align with your Soul, and ...... used in combination with the other powerful Spiritual Technologies which I will be sharing .... learn to become more masterful at attracting the experiences, opportunities & desires you wish to create in your Life experience. 'Academy of Dream Alchemy' ... is designed as structured container, which pulls together all of the powerful Spiritual Technologies which I have been personally immersed in over the last 20 years, offering you step-by-step teachings, techniques & tools, which will energetically expand your capabilities for Conscious Creation exponentially, as you practice these techniques in your own Life. The Live Weekly Online Sessions, will elevate you in a high frequency state, helping you to easily transmute any contracted energies, doubts, negative beliefs & limitations which are currently holding you back .... and will provide you assistance through fast & powerful Healing Systems, Advanced Spiritual Technologies and Conscious Creation Tools, to start re-programming your subconscious mind in alignment with what you wish to CREATE, ATTRACT & MANIFEST. I am very excited to share this opportunity with you .... and I hope you will be able to join me in this Journey of Self-Mastery and Conscious Creation. For more information & Course registration please click on the link below ... Academy of Dream Alchemy ~ SHIVARATRI ~ Tonight is the Festival of Shivaratri where SHIVA (the Divine Masculine Principle) unites with SHAKTI (the Divine Feminine Principle) It is on this night that the Deity, Lord Shiva is said to perform his Cosmic Dance of ‘Creation, Preservation & Destruction’ SHIVA also symbolises that EXHALE ... the Letting Go & Release of that which no longer serves us .... where we can then become PURE SPACE, PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ‘OM NAMAH SHIVAYA, OM NAMAH SHIVAYA, OM NAMAH SHIVAYA !!! ‘ |
'She's Away with the Faeries' ...
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July 2024
©Dawn of Shekhinah 2014
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